What Is Fungus And How Fungus Be Grow? | Recipes Me

What Is Fungus And How Fungus Be Grow?

Whether it's fungus? basically it was a fungus, one-plant the Earthy, and the pattern of her life "all-round depends". we call the mushrooms as a plant that "all-round depends" because it has no chlorophyll.

this means that he can not cultivate sugar from carbon dioxide and water, such as that carried out by the plant, so versatile mushroom way of life depends on foods that have been produced by other plants.


there are lots of kinds of fungi, whereas the difference in shape any messes, a number of mushrooms consisting of one single cell only. bacteria and yeast are examples of fungi that have one cell, the average length of a bacteria that was approximately 1/5000 inches.

the fungus is very important for humans, because it contains two conflicting elements, it is very beneficial to human s, but can also be very dangerous to humans.

this fungus helps human beings in the process of decay so that trash's will not be stacking reams, mushrooms also redistributes mineral salt to the soil needed by plants, fungi yet others can even be made drug ingredient to eradicate the disease among mankind.
but also other fungim which cause the disease to plants and animals, so that man trying mightily to fight him.
mold is a type of fungus that shit is different form other plants, because it consist of a pile of protoplasm which is plain, it looks like a bit of gelatin above the surface of a tree that is rotted or other moist objects. 

in addition to bacteria, yeasts and fungi mushroom stools, all the others are composed of stacks of threads that are not colored, this we call "mycelium". this type of mycelium secretes its branches that grow into objects were the mushrooms grow to absorb food from her. fungi need water to digest food and for its growth so that it could not grow above thing are dry.

the largest mushroom is often called the "boletus" range from the most minor as there is on the bread, to the fungus that likes to attack the industrial materials which are in a state of moist. certain mushroom give special delicious taste of cheese, while others used people also for the purposes of processing drugs.

did you know that mushrooms are eaten san sampinyon it is a mycelium spreads its branches under the ground, the fungus forms we see above ground was in fact only part of a fungus produces spores, fungi itself is already fully formed in the ground before he got around to appear to the top surface of the land.