Pizza Topping Pesto Recipe | Recipes Me

Pizza Topping Pesto Recipe

This Pizza Topping Pesto Recipe is a delicious and nutritious recipes, and one of these recipes into 10 pieces per piece, and contains 192 cal.
Pizza Topping Pesto Recipe

pizza recipe
pizza topping pesto

  • 200 grm smoke chicken, coarsely chopped
  • 1 red onion , thinly sliced
  • 3 plum tomatoes, sliced red rounded approx 1/2 cm
  • 100 grm mozzarella cheese, grated on
Ingredients Pizza Dough :
  • 300 grm special bread flour
  • 1 tablespoon instant yeast
  • 1 egg chicken
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 150 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Pesto Sauce Ingredients :
  • 50 grm leaves fresh basil
  • 25 grm Parmesan cheese powder
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 25 grm pine nuts
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

How To Make :
Ho To Make Pesto Sauce
process all ingredients in a food processor until almost smooth, lift, cover and store in refrigator
How To Make Pizza Dough
1. mix until all ingredients are mixed in flat, knead up to chewy, let stand until mixture becomes fluffy doubled.
2. make the dough becomes deflated, and divide into 2 parts, press each section till thin up to 23 cm in diameter.
3. brush the surface of the pizza with pesto sauce until flat, sprinkle the pizza with smoked chicken that was already chopped, onions, tomatoes and cheese.
4. bake in the oven with temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes until cooked, lift and serve.

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